Incentives for Hiring People With Disabilities

There are many benefits for businesses that hire people with disabilities. These include improvements in job retention; dependability and flexibility; attitude; profitability and a competitive advantage. Businesses that hire workers with disabilities may also be eligible for various state and federal tax incentives. 

According to the Job Accommodation Network, the median cost to employers for providing accommodations for employees with disabilities is just $300 (one-time), and many accommodations are lower cost or even free. Hiring qualified workers of all abilities just makes good business sense!

For more information, please see the resources listed below.

Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to employers who invest in American job seekers who have consistently faced barriers to employment.  

New York State Workers with Disabilities Employment Tax Credit (WETC)

The Workers (with Disabilities) Employment Tax Credit (WETC) is a New York State tax credit that can result in $2,100 for each individual hired. 

Workers with Disabilities Tax Credit (WDTC)

The Workers with Disabilities Tax Credit (WDTC) program provides tax credits to for-profit businesses/organizations that hire individuals with developmental disabilities.

Disabled Access Tax Credit

The Disabled Access Credit provides a non-refundable credit for small businesses that incur expenditures for the purpose of providing access to persons with disabilities.

Barrier Removal Tax Deduction

The Barrier Removal Tax Deduction provides a tax deduction for businesses of any size to remove architectural and transportation barriers to the mobility of persons with disabilities and the elderly.